Principal Investigator

Junguk Hur, Ph.D.

   Assistant Professor
   Office: 701-777-6814
   Email: junguk (dot) hur (at) med (dot) UND (dot) edu

   Curriculum Vitae (2018)

Post-doctoral Fellows

Kai Guo, Ph.D.

   Email: kai (dot) guo (at) med (dot) UND (dot) edu
   Research Interests: Bioinformatics
      Transcriptomic analysis
      Genome Assembly
      Molecular evolution

Guillermo De Anda Jauregui, Ph.D.

   Email: guillermo (dot) deandajaur (at) med (dot) UND (dot) edu
   Curriculum Vitae (2016)    ORCID:
   GitHub: guillermodeandajauregui

   Research Interests: Systems and network biology
      Systems pharmacology of complex disease
      Classification algorithms for heterogeneous diseases
      Pathway deregulation in complex diseases
      Crosstalk phenomena in biological networks


Brett McGregor

   Ph.D. student in Biomedical Sciences
   Research Interests: Applying systems pharmacology to neurological diseases
Larson Danes

   B.S. student in Computer Science
   Research Interests: Bioinformatics software development